“The dojo is a safe space that promotes introspection, reflection, and brings consciousness to the unconscious parts of ourselves. The curriculum prompts curiosity and Josh is a guide helping you embrace all emotions/triggers that arise without judgement. The stories that we all share are celebrated and are a path to better awareness. As a man, being vulnerable can be scary. Especially with other men, but not in the dojo. ”
Abran A.
“The gentle mens dojo is really a one-of-a-kind community where us guys get together and learn the tools needed to heal from not only our past trauma but generational trauma; while also learning the appropriate skills to show as our most authentic self. It’s allowed me personally an opportunity to get to know myself and understand who I am at a higher level so far, it’s made me a calmer person, a softer person, and it’s taught me to look at things in ways I never have before. I’m definitely excited for the future of this program.”
Chris K.
“As an entrepreneur my life is hectic. The gentleman’s dojo was something that I would normally not create the space to participate in; I’m so glad I did. It was much needed introspection and self love.
The group provides a welcome place to talk about everything from work to home, family, relationships, the universe! etc. We talked about the good, and most importantly the bad.
The bad, we are taught to suck it up, throw it under the rug, never speak about it. But diving into the bad gives new perspective and healing, creating opportunities to grow out of old paradigms that are no longer serving and holding you back.
The dojo has changed me for the better, I would 100% do it all again.
I highly recommend the dojo to literally everyone. There is no one I can think of that would not benefit from the deep conversations and exercises that Josh Muñoz guided us through.
Osu 🙏 ”
Joel R.